APBT Conformation

Time, help, Advise, knowledge!

Be a Good Citizen and promote responsible dog ownership!

The real question is: Did you learn something (even one thing) about the APBT or about training?


Unfortunately this very expensive to maintain, non-profit, education site can no longer accepting donations.


Would you like to be an editor of the encyclopedia of the APBT? Are you willing to do research and contribute time and knowledge to help others in the breed?

Contact us by visiting the forum link at the top of the page!

Hello this is the creator of APBT conformation ( http://www.americanpitbullterrier.org   ), the APBT education network ( http://www.apbt.info ), the APBT forum ( http://www.ukcpitbull.com/pit ), the Pit Bull BLog ( http://www.pitbullblog.com ), the pit bull University ( http://www.apbt.info ), the pit bull galleries ( http://www.ukcpitbull.com/galleries ), the APBT network ( http://www.apbt.info ) and the new Encyclopedia of the APBT (http://www.apbt.ws).

The goal from the beginning has always been to do something positive to help preserve the future of the American Pit Bull Terrier.  What is more positive than education?   To do this I have, with the help of so many famous pit bull people, created these online education and community sources.  For the past 7 years I have worked day and night to bring together all of these resources and provide them to everyone (legislators, pit bull owners, future pit bull owners, people who hate pit bulls, pit bull show judges, people who want to do something positive with their dogs such as weight pull, agility or obedience,  and just anyone who wants to educate themselves on this much maligned breed of dog, which the media tells them should be exterminated.).

I strongly feel that the future of the breed will only be preserved if we educate people, especially new and old pit bull owners on how these dogs should be cared for and respected.  Only if we the pit bull owners step up and protect our own dogs from the public will our dogs survive to future decades.





PAST Sponsors-APBT Network is no longer is accepting donations. Thanks to all these folks who have helped us keep the site open in the past.